An irregularly updated blog whose purpose is to chronicle the development of my various wargaming projects, but primarily my foray into the joys of colonial wargaming set in the Sudan
Sunday, 30 August 2020
LCT 7074
Last weekend saw the culmination of many years work on the part of friends at the National Museum of the Royal Navy and their supporting contractors in restoring and relocating LCT7074 to her new home at the D Day Story (formerly the D Day Museum) in Southsea. I had a minor role in this, sitting on the restoration project board and reviewing some of the technical aspects of the project. Last weekend, after a storm-affected few days of delay, 7074 finally reached Southsea, made landfall (with a few dramas) and motored down the Esplanade to the museum. Final fitting out is ongoing and should be finished by mid October. For me this was a pretty emotional few days and seeing her arrive at her new home really brought a tear to my eye. I thought you. dear readers, might like to see a few of my pictures from the event. For naval wargamers she now makes an excellent visual reference for those working on LCT and other coastal models :)
Friday, 14 August 2020
Convoy Action Playtest AAR - HMS CROCUS, Spring 1942
This evening I’ve been playtesting my new solitaire
convoy escort game. If you think of “B17 – Queen of the Skies” but driving a
Royal Navy warship rather than a 4-engined bomber you are on the right lines.
So, its 1942 and we are commanding HMS Crocus, a Flower
class corvette. Our crew is well trained but it’s the first time out for many
of them (we have no “special” crewmen who would give us bonuses in certain
situations). We have a full load of depth charges, a 4” gun, a radar that seems to be working well and
pantry stacked with hot chocolate!
I’m using the random generation system to determine the
exact scenario, and it turns out that it is Spring 1942. We are escorting a
Fast convoy from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool. The escort strength is
normal, the weather is generally good. Our station is at the rear of the
As we are running a Fast convoy we have 5 game turns to
play. The first is the North American coastal turn (“zone A”), we have 3 open
ocean turns (Zone B), and one turn in the Western Approaches as we close with
our destination (Zone C).
Each turn we roll for a random event, then for any
Random event – we roll a 2, which means there is a
Support Group close by. This increases our effective escort strength to “Heavy”
for this turn.
Encounter - The die roll is a 4, which means no
encounter. Alas the presence of the SG is for naught.
The convoy plows on into the North Atlantic
Turn 2 – Open Ocean Square 1
Random event - we
roll a “no event”. An uneventful trip so far. But maybe too quiet.
Encounter – the die roll is a 3. Doenitz’s boats must be
hunting elsewhere
Turn 3 – Open Ocean Square 2
Random event – A 10 is rolled, +2 for Zone B = 12.
Maximum German effort. We’ve run into an accumulation of wolf packs, and will
have to roll twice for encounters.
Encounter 1 – Contact, and we have a possible submerged U
boat contact astern of the convoy. Our ship is dispatched to confirm and
Phase 1 - The CO uses the “step aside” tactic to help
avoid any incoming torpedo, and to possibly give the impression that we haven’t
seen the contact. Contact level is “probable”, but then our radar picks up a
periscope – contact raised to “Positive”. The bridge crews’ eyes are peeled for
any incoming torpedo, but nothing is seen.
Phase 2 – we are now closing on the U boat. Contact is
maintained, no change. Which means he’s probably not going deep. We may have
caught him napping.
Phase 3 –As we don’t think he’s going deep we set depth
charges for Shallow and we run over the contact. DCs away! The sea erupts as
the spread detonates. We commence a turn to re-engage – and see a damaged u
boat broach the surface! (natural roll of 10)! Gun crews close up and we go to
a surface action.
Surface action:
We move to the Surface Engagement Battleboard, with the U Boat at Medium range. We make 3 critical hit rolls to determine the damage that the U boat has suffered in the DC attack.
Rolls are 2, 8 and 10. 2 is “no
effect”, 8 is “20mm damaged” but the 10 is “hull holed, boat sinks”. The U boat
just makes it to the surface in time to allow some of the control room team to
escape to the water, but before more than a handful get out the boat sinks,
taking the rest of the crew with her. We decide to pick up survivors; 5 German
sailors are pulled from the sea. The skipper is not one of them.
Having claimed our first kill we resume our position in
the screen.
Encounter 2 - No encounter (d10 roll is 2) – a tense night
as we skirt through the wolf pack, but the screen is working too well to let
the U boat commanders get a shot in. The turn ends
Turn 4 – Open Ocean Square 3
Random Event: Die roll is 3, +2 for Zone B = 5: engine
trouble. We drop out of the screen and slow whilst the chief engineer makes
repairs. On completion we speed up to try to regain our place at the back of
the convoy.
Encounter: Die
roll = 9, so there is an encounter. The encounter type die roll is a 6, so its
another ASDIC contact.
Phase 1 - The contact is ahead and seems to be heading in
the direction of the convoy, “step aside” won’t really work in this position so
we move to close the distance rapidly. Contact quality isn’t great, only a
“possible”. Radar isn’t spotting anything.
TORPEDO! – the lookouts spot the wake of a torpedo
closing rapidly from ahead. We are already on the right heading to comb the
tracks, a slight alteration and the torpedo passes down the port side. That was
close. There’s definitely a U Boat there, but the ASDIC contact still isn’t
Phase 2 – contact is still “possible”. Since we know
there’s a boat somewhere that means ASDIC is having a hard time getting an
accurate bearing. Whether he’s going deep is anyone’s guess
Phase 3 – Set DCs for Deep (I have a feeling he’s there
but went deep when he launched his torpedo). The DCs detonate, but there’s no
sign of any wreckage. We turn to re-engage.
Reattack, Phase 2 – as the reverberations from our DC
attack subside the Jimmy reports “contact lost Sir”. We execute and repeat the
lost contact procedure several times but come up with nothing. And as we are
currently detached behind the convoy there’s no additional ships there to help
us. He’s probably got away.
Somewhat dejectedly we leave the scene and rejoin the
convoy a few hours later. At least the enemy was submerged and not able to
catch up. I wonder why he was dived though? Probably spotted us before we made
ASDIC contact. But I guess we’ll never know. (we draw a playing card and keep
it hidden until the game end; this will tell us what happened, after the war
when the archives are opened)
At this point, play was interrupted for a few minutes.....
Turn 5 – Western Approaches.
We are almost home, but in many ways this can be the most
dangerous part of the trip. But not this time.
Random event is 5, +4 for Zone C for a 9. Some of our
escort detaches to assist another convoy. Not really what we want. But the
encounter roll is a 5 “no encounter”, and so after a fairly eventful trip and
one U boat and some of her very lucky crew “in the bag” we make it in to
Liverpool for a quick turnaround before joining another escort force for a load
of empties in ballast. No rest for the wicked!
But what happened to the U boat that we attacked in Turn
4? We turn over the card we drew in the encounter and it’s the 9 of Hearts. Its
an odd number so he did go deep (we guessed right) and for a “no visible
result” damage effect (the most “severe” that we caused) this equates to minor
damage. The boat remained submerged, was not able to reach our convoy and
itself returned home safely.
And so ends the log entries for HMS Crocus for this
particular trip. Playing time (once I had removed the feline interloper who
stopped play for a few minutes) was just over an hour. I picked up several
areas where tweaks were needed, and a few additional elements that I worked up
– rescuing survivors being the rime example.
It was a fun game and I think resulted I a pleasing narrative that had
something of the feel of the Cruel Sea about it.
Right, I’m off to find come dark choccie and condensed
milk – time for a large hot mug of kai!
Thursday, 6 August 2020
INWarD 2020 - Fire on the Lake
Today is the International Naval Wargames Day for 2020, and the subject of my game is a battle between German and Allied steamers on Lake Tanganyika sometime in 1915. To the North the Belgian steamer Alexandre Delcommune, Commandant Goor in command, is escorting two civilian steamers loaded with supplies for the allied base at Lukuga. Accompanying the Delommune is the Belgian patrol boat Netta.

Smoke is spotted to the South and within minutes the German steamer Graf von Gotzen and her consort, the Kingani, hove into view, under the command of Gustav Zimmer Their mission, to stop the supplies from getting though.
For the first few turns both sides close the range, the Netta heading to the West to try and draw off the Kingani, which is initially successful. But soon, the Gotzen draws into range of the Commune and she opens fire. The German opening fire is surprisingly good, and a heavy shell slams into the Belgian (loses 1 hull point). Belgian fire in return falls short.
For the next few minutes everyone's gunnery goes to pot as no hits are scored. But that lull is broken as Delcommune suffers two more hits from Gotzen. Her engine room is hit and Commune drifts to a stop, whilst hits low in the hull cause more flooding (by now she has lost 75% of her hull points). Mimi and Toutou have the range and a light shell hits Gotzen's 105mm gun, disabling it.
The British boats can only fire forwards so they speed past the German raider, their machine guns blazing but no damage caused. Both boats turn tightly and form up on her stern. Gotzen administers the coup de grasse on poor Delcommune, as her last hull points are shot away and the Belgian is in a sinking condition. The civilians on the steamers expect the worst, but fire from the British boats disables Gotzen's 88mm gun. Meanwhile Kingani and Netta trade shots, causing minor damage.
Gotzen switches targets to the annoying British motor boats, but they are small targets head on and very difficult to hit. Gotzen is not, and the British score more hits, causing a minor flood but more importantly disabling Gotzen's 37mm guns (she can still use rifles and machine guns).

Smoke is spotted to the South and within minutes the German steamer Graf von Gotzen and her consort, the Kingani, hove into view, under the command of Gustav Zimmer Their mission, to stop the supplies from getting though.
For the first few turns both sides close the range, the Netta heading to the West to try and draw off the Kingani, which is initially successful. But soon, the Gotzen draws into range of the Commune and she opens fire. The German opening fire is surprisingly good, and a heavy shell slams into the Belgian (loses 1 hull point). Belgian fire in return falls short.
The range closes, and Gotzen's next broadside scores two good hits. Delommune loses her heavy gun, more hull damage, and a hit to the boiler room which halves her speed. But from the Wast is heard the sound of petrol engines, as two British motor boats, Mimi and Toutou, speed in to draw the German fire.
The British boats can only fire forwards so they speed past the German raider, their machine guns blazing but no damage caused. Both boats turn tightly and form up on her stern. Gotzen administers the coup de grasse on poor Delcommune, as her last hull points are shot away and the Belgian is in a sinking condition. The civilians on the steamers expect the worst, but fire from the British boats disables Gotzen's 88mm gun. Meanwhile Kingani and Netta trade shots, causing minor damage.
Gotzen switches targets to the annoying British motor boats, but they are small targets head on and very difficult to hit. Gotzen is not, and the British score more hits, causing a minor flood but more importantly disabling Gotzen's 37mm guns (she can still use rifles and machine guns).
Zimmer realises that intercepting this cargo requires too high a price. With all his main guns disabled or with their crews wounded and out of action, and with the British boats seemingly able to lob 3pdr Hotchkiss shells into him with near impunity he decides of break off the action. As Gotzen raises steam to disengage a Short seaplane makes its appearance and executes an almost perfect bomb run - but its bombs land either side of Gotzen which is doused in spray but otherwise unaffected.
As the Gotzen and Kingani leave the field the civilian steamers pick up the survivors from the Delcommune, whilst the British muse on the fact that they disabled Gotzen's last operational gun with their final round of ammunition.......
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