Tuesday 5 June 2018

That's Neat, That's Neat....

.....That's neat,that's neat, I really love my "Tiger Fleet" :)

last week saw me enjoying a few days of R&R, renovating my 1/600 WW2 coastal forces collection. In amongst replacing broken masts, fixing broken gun barrels and basing 40-odd ships and boats that needed doing I also built a pile of models that have been languishing unmade for some time (in some cases 20+ years). Chief amongst these were a handful of Yugoslavian partizan "Tiger Fleet" craft from PT dockyard. These are lovely characterful models, albeit tricky to build when it comes to the various deck guns. But the Adriatic has always been a "thing" for me as far as WW2 coastal is concerned so these were a must have.

Also in there is an old SDD caique, which works well for either a partizan or a commandeered Axis armed transport.

Lovely little models, and hopefully appearing in action at the Berkeley Vale club in the not too distant future :)

Friday 1 June 2018

Si Vis Pacem

Today is the 102nd anniversary of the return home of the fleets from Jutland, and yesterday the anniversary of the battle itself. The occasion was marked with the release from LFG of "Si Vis Pacem", the fast play rules (developed by myself and Stuart Machin from my "Broadside and Salvo" rules) used in the Berkeley Vale Jutland refight (see the previous post), and Clash of Giants", the campaign material that Stuart put together initially for the NWS centenary game, but developed for the BV game.

SVP wasn't originally on the LFG plot, at least not for this year, but "Jutland in a Day" became something of a cause after the centenary game. That prompted my initial work on the subject and JIAD became a reality early last year as numerous battlecruiser actions were fought out in my campaign headquarters (ok, my shed). Stuart's enthusiasm for the rules saw them developed faster than I expected, culminating in the BV game last month. Stuart has done a grand job, especially on the campaign pack which will be of value to players of any WW1 naval rules, not just SVP.

As usual, both are available via Wargame Vault.