Sunday 19 May 2019

Denmark Strait Scenario

Readers will have seen my earlier post regarding the battle of Denmark Strait, Briefly, the plan is for players around the world to refight the action on or around the anniversary using their favourite rule sets and to post AARs, letting us compare the results and to promote naval wargaming.

I've put together the standard scenario in a graphic below, and I'm planning at least 2 games, one using "Find, Fix and Strike", the other with GQ2. If I have time I might break out the 1/1200 collection as well and use the old Skytrex WW2 rules.


  1. I have some 1/6000 ships for this somewhere? I'll see if I can dig them out.

  2. Dave 2 GQ 1 played with RN victories. 1 Victory at Sea with Bismarck and Hood sinking at end. Great idea of yours

