Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Another Wings of War repaint completed this evening. This time an SE.5a, painted as Captain Duncan Grinnell-Milne's red-fuselaged "Schweinhund". Roundels courtesy of Dom's (most excellent) Decals :)

Also tonight - the "father and son" project from the weekend. Philip's class is learning about the Home Front at school at the moment and we got a project to build a model of an Anderson Shelter. Here's what we came up with.


  1. Funnily enough, I've just made one of those for my son's Home Front school project.

    I think your's is a bit more accurate than mine though.

    And you've got a little plasticene morph bloke in it too!

  2. Its a playmobil figure. If I'd tried scuplting something the techers would probably have thought it was a zombie! Sand bags made of PVA soaked tea bags :)

  3. Like the Se5a, very colourful!

  4. Its pretty hard to find colourful RFC/RNAS/RAF schemes so one has to seize every opportunity :)
