Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Warp Speed into 2025

 The last year has been quite challenging. I suffered a stroke in November 2023 and have spent the last year or so in recovery. I'm not there yet, but doing well. This blog was one of the casualties of that but I'm aiming to get this up and running again as wargaming development and 3D modelling has been a handy therapy. I completed a number of projects in the last 12 months, including a solitaire game covering the Yangtse Incident,  rules and models for gunboat battles on Lake Garda in 1866, and several 1/600 ACW ironclad and gunboat STLs (the last one being the CSS Virginia).

Getting back into this blog is thanks to one of my regular readers who prompted me about it the other day. They said they missed it and hoped it would be back soon. I took that as a metaphorical kick up the backside and so here I am again. No firm "plan" for 2025, I'll take things as they come, but a few highlights will be:

  • developing a modern naval primer board game for Fight Club International 
  • doing something similar with a couple of serious board games for seabed operations and critical undersea infrastructure (I've been working on this for 3 years or so now but its getting some serious attention now), and a "fleet level" naval primer game
  • developing my "bumper boats" ancient galley skirmish rules and WW2/modern quick play set that I last looked at in 1998!

There's probably a whole load of other things that I inwardly said I needed to do but those are good for starters. And another prompt is the restarting of F2F wargames at the Tudor Arms - the Berkeley Vale club rises again!  


  1. Happy you are on the mend. Thank you for the update. May 2025 be a wonderful year for you.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do 😜

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your stroke. I hope you continue with the strong recovery - looking forward to hearing more about your naval game. Best of the new year!

  4. Wish you the best in getting better.
    Looking forward to Sea bed operations etc.
    Take Care

  5. Saying you're poorly and in hospital when you've had a stroke is classic British understatement. Jeez. I hope you made a good recovery. Strokes can be devastating.

    Just had a recent call from my GP about starting Statins to protect me from strokes and heart attacks so, a timely reminder to us all that we're not getting any younger.
