Sunday, 18 April 2021

More Galleys

 I had a rush of blood to the head last week and knocked up some Phoenician galleys in 1/2400 for use with my "Mare Nostrum" fleet action rules. The models were based on the extensive series I created for Salamis. I made three variants of bases so as to give myself some variation. 

Apologies for the shonky photo quality :)

I've also managed to get the settings on my Elegoo printer just about right for these. Printing on my old Photon flat on the build plate used to result in vertically compressed models, but these have come out just right. I've also added a few tricks to make the models more resilient which I hope will sand them in good stead.
I also made up some files for pentekonters, but alas ran out of printing time so they'll have to wait


  1. Those are nice. I've been holding off getting those rules since I needed to find some ships to use with them.

    I need to find someone nearby with a good resin printer that would be willing to do some printing for me. There are a lot of ships and planes I would like to have.
