An irregularly updated blog whose purpose is to chronicle the development of my various wargaming projects, but primarily my foray into the joys of colonial wargaming set in the Sudan
Monday, 1 May 2017
Fun at the Beach
My "Mad Wet Max" project continues to develop. Over the last week I've made some much larger rooster tail markers and explosion plumes, using damp kitchen towel moulded into shape. Cheap but effective, IMHO. I've also made a dozen mine markers which should help avoid the confusion that we faced at the BV club when we used dice and then forgot which were mines and which ones we were using for play! However, the best development I think has been the parascender who is a "weapon option" for three of the craft in the game. In the post game chat at the club my chums threw in some ideas for various things that one might see associated with motorboating and powerboating that could make an appearance, and some bloke on a parachute towed behind a boat was on the list. The idea is that he can be deployed during the ame and can drop grenades onto boats below (whilst of course attracting incoming fire). I had originally intended to use a surrendering Airfix figure but a look at a model railway catalogue showed that the German firm Noch made a decent set, so a quick email to my brother's local model railway shop had one winging its way to True Cambridge.
Three of the boats have now been drilled to accept the brass rod "tow line" - admittedly way out of scale but robust enough to stand the rigours of the game. I may decorate the parawing a bit more, and give the chappie a machine gun but for now he is in a good enough state for the inaugural public game at the Naval Wargames Weekend in July.
Next to make - wrecked boats, plus "spectators". Anyone know of a decent Matchbox-style winnebago model??
Genius! Mad but genius nonetheless.