An irregularly updated blog whose purpose is to chronicle the development of my various wargaming projects, but primarily my foray into the joys of colonial wargaming set in the Sudan
Monday, 16 May 2011
A Nice Big Dollop of Enthusiasm
I took the plunge last weekend and decided to see if I could cure my lack of figure painting enthusiasm. The target was my pile of 15mm Peter Pig SCW (prompted by having sorted out a few odd vehicles). Lo and behold the pile of lead Piggy goodness (plus some admittedly easy painting schemes) seems to have had the desired effect. As a reult there is a unit of finished Nationalist infantry, a small "Italian Legion" and some high command stands awaiting varnishing, and a unit of Moroccan troops well on the way. I had hoped to sort out all the SCW stuff over the next week but a work trip and a naval wargaming weekend in deepest Devon mean it'll be next week now before I get to do any more. Anyway, once the Moroccans are done there's only one more unit of nationalist regulars to do and a few "odds and sods". No pics just now as I'm rushing to pack before "wheels up" for the trip to Spadeadam, but hopefully next week. Oh, and a battle report on my escapades as commander of the German naval forces in the Philippines in 1898 as part of Stuart Barnes Watson's naval campaign!
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